German Shepherd Police Dog Mask Polyblend Face Mask DL

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  • German Shepherd Face Mask Right Funny Dog Lover For Men Women. A great gift for the dog owner, pet owner, pet lovers, animal lovers, dog paw, dog mom, dog dad, father, husband, grandma, grandpa, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister who loves Shih Tzu
  • Awesome gift from family on birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Easter, Valentine's Day, or Mother's day. This is a perfect gift to choose for holidays, special occasions, and even ordinary days.
  • Please note: This is NOT a surgical mask. Non-medical grade, not intended for clinical use. Non-medical face masks could help reduce exposure to dust allergens; however, mask is not a respirator and will not eliminate the risk of contracting disease or infection.